Tag: exercise

RBX Active RBX Go Activity Tracker Review This is a really great activity tracker if you do not like to wear anything on your wrists. I really like how little and compact it is. I can always have it on without it being noticeable. I also really like that it has been super accurate. The…

Yoga Cards The Game Review I have recently started doing Yoga and I have been wanting to have my kids do it too. When I received these yoga cards from ThinkFun I immediately knew these would be perfect! These card offer simple poses but are challenging enough for beginners. My boys have proven to be…

Deluxe Resistance Bands Set for Athletes I received my bands today and I was pleasantly surprised! They look just like they do in the picture. They are high quality resistance bands and it brings handles that you can clip them on to. The clips are very well attached to the bands themselves. The handles are…

Body Sport Fitness Ball Review I was super excited to get to review this exercise ball for a couple of reasons. First to use for ab and back exercise and strengthening. Second is to use it for my computer desk chair. Which believe it or not, works really well. From what I’ve heard, it works the core…

PKB The Portable Kettlebell Review I recently had the opportunity to review the 15 lb. Portable Kettlebell from PKB. I couldn’t wait to use it, so as soon as it came I filled it with playground sand. It’s made of sturdy material and the compartment you fill closed with a double fold and a clips…

Erin Buchanan’s Air Bar Exercises DVD gets you moving & burning calories I am always on the look out for new ways to exercise in order to spice up my routine. So I was super excited to review Erin Buchanan’s Air Bar Exercises DVD. Before I go on to tell you about my experience I want to remind…

Disclaimer: I have been compensated in the form of receiving the products mentioned  for free or at a discounted price to facilitate my review. Regardless I will always only share with my readers reviews or products that I myself or my family uses. Or products that I know will be beneficial or of interest to my readers. This post may contain…