Sound Intone I65 Stereo Foldable Headphones #Sound

Sound Intone I65 Stereo Headphones These are great headphones, I like that they fold for easy storage. They are not bluetooth but they do have incredible sound. I use these headphones for listening to music, watching videos, playing games and talking on the phone. The sound is perfect no matter what I use them for. […]

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Those Children Are Ours: Book Tour, Review & Giveaway

This was such an emotional book. I have never met anyone whose Bipolar but now I can imagine how difficult it is.  This is the story of Jennie who had an abusive childhood. After being married and having 2 children, she decides to leave them. This was a little hard for me to understand because […]

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Brooklyn Bean Roastery Flavored Coffee Variety Giveaway & Review

Brooklyn Bean Roastery Flavored Coffee Variety Giveaway & Review I love flavored coffee! You guys know that I love coffee, but flavored coffee is on a whole new level for me. The thing is that I also love variety. Thanks to Brooklyn Beans I can now have tons of variety in the comfort of my […]

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