LILLEbaby COMPLETE 6-in-1 Baby Carrier #lillelove

LILLEbaby COMPLETE 6-in-1 Baby Carrier I remember when my oldest was born and I ended up having 4 different carriers in order to be able to carry him in different positions. I was lucky that at that point in my life I could afford 4 different carriers. Recently I was sent the LILLEbaby (pronounced Lil-la baby) COMPLETE […]

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Binky Fresh UV Portable Sanitizer #pacifiergerms

Binky Fresh™ UV Pacifier & Bottle Nipple Sanitizer I am always worried about the cleanliness of my son’s binky and bottle/sippy cup nipples. Especially when I’m on the go. Now I don’t have to worry about that because with the Binky Fresh UV Pacifier & Bottle Nipple Sanitizer I can sanitize what I need when I […]

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