Shazzy Fitness – Day 3 of the 7 Day Challenge

 Don’t forget to enter my giveaway! The winner will receive a Shazzy Fitness DVD! Enter Here I can’t believe it’s already day 3! Today’s workout was AMAZING! Today I did the Freedom Workout, it’s the first chapter of the second DVD A Time To Dance. The instructor was Apollo, and he was great! Today’s workout […]

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Pequeñas Pero Poderosas Maneras de Perder Peso

Las Fabulosas: Belleza y estilo “Pequeñas Pero Poderosas Maneras de Perder Peso” By Shirley Velásquez for Las Fabulosas Vamos a ser claras, cuando a perder peso se refiere, queremos hacerlo de golpe. Pero hay muchos factores, fuera de nuestro control que nos impiden mantener el peso que deseamos por más tiempo. Tres expertos colaboraron con […]

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ItWorks Wrap and Fat Fighter Bottle Giveaway – Ends 2/21/14

Hosted by Crazy Stepford Wives and That Crazy Wrap Lady Let me introduce you to Candace! She has lost more than 110lbs since embarking on her It Works Journey, she has gone from not being able to run after her daughter to being able to move around and have fun with her little girl. Now […]

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