Belly Fat: Blowout by Stephanie Atwood M.A.
After having three amazing boys my belly is definitely not the favorite part of my body. I have tried way to many ways to trim down this belly of mine. I must admit that my downfall to everything is that I am a sweet-a-holic. Yup I admit it, sugar is my kryptonite. So when I heard about Belly Fat: Blowout by Stephanie Atwood M.A. I had to give it a read. This book is said to teach you how to eat in such a way that you don’t feel deprived and teach you how to kick the sugar out for good. Great right!
I gotta say I am happy that I gave this book a chance, I really enjoyed reading it. It has a very easy plan to help lose that belly fat, and it’s explained in such a way that it’s easy to understand. I was able to follow the information in this book and stay on track. This book has tons of great information! One of the things that I really liked is that it will guide you thru the whole process, it was not confusing or got me lost at any point. This is a great read for both females and males.
Does that stubborn belly fat just hang on and drag you down?
Join the Belly Fat Revolution that has worked for thousands of people.
- No dieting. Lose Belly Fat while eating 6 meals a day. Never feel hungry.
- Balance Blood Sugar. Cut out processed sugar. You know you should!
- Stop Cravings. When you eat a balance of real, healthful food, cravings go by the wayside.
- Never Feel Hungry. It’s true. You eat delicious food on a regular basis with nourishment that keeps you feeling satisfied.
- Reduce Inches by utilizing fat stores for energy. Feel good , look great!
- Lose Belly Fat – Stick with this program and your body will convert fat into energy, burning calories and burning FAT!
Blowout Fat, Lose Inches, Lose Weight, Lose Belly Fat, Feel Great (fast fat burning, no dieting, clean eating, healthy living, gluten, grain free, detox, low fat)
10 Day Plan plus 5 Week Bonus Plan!! Blast away belly fat by following this day by day, meal by meal guide to lose weight and balance blood sugar
Belly Fat Blowout by best-selling author and wellness authority Stephanie Atwood, offers a cure for reducing belly fat around your middle and those other stubborn fat deposit areas that are at least unwanted, and very possibly also unhealthy.
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About the Author

Stephanie Atwood, M.A. is an award winning author specializing in nutrition and fitness. Her life experiences have exposed her to a multitude of foods; ranging from freeze-dried backpacking food on the Pacific Crest Trail to elaborate mufti-course banquets in Japan, to expedition food for Mt. Everest and sports nutritional trends over a 40 year competitive history as a runner.
Certified, and with several decades of experience, Ms. Atwood brings nutrition, fitness coaching, communication and writing talent to the forefront in her books. They are real life experience books combining the realm of food, movement, and love of life into vibrant, yet practical information.
Here is a brief, slightly whimsical bio of the woman who has led a very unique life.
With an adventurous spirit she set out to conquer the world, one mountain at a time. Some of those mountains were the real thing: Fuji, Everest, Matterhorn, Rainier. Some of those peaks were merely a metaphor for the challenges she faced and was required to overcome: death, destruction, divorce and destiny.
She is no common woman and her books reflect the magnitude of her life experiences. Follow this author through a life of many paths. Her books include the basics and continue through to the astounding.
Stephanie Atwood has just begun her writing career…stay tuned.