Hi Friends today I’m going to share with you how to make this easy Valentine’s Day heart shaped wreath. What I absolutely love about this wreath is that it’s made using newspaper. Once you have this base, you can personalize it any way you would like. Let’s get started…
Hola Amigos Hoy voy a compartir con ustedes cómo hacer esta facil corona en forma de corazón para el día del amor y amistad. Lo que me encanta de esta corona es que está hecha usando papel periódico. Una vez que tengas esta base, puedes personalizarla de cualquier manera que deseas. Empezemos…
What you’ll need: / los materiales son:

First you are going to make to piles of open newspaper, like this: / Primero vas a formar dos filas de papel periodico, asi:
Then you will roll up each pile. / Luego enrollaras el papel asi:
Now you will take the cardboard and fold it into a triangle and tape it, so it keeps it’s shape. / Ahora tomas el pedazo de carton y lo doblas a formar un triangulo, lo pegas con tape para que mantenga su forma:
Take the triangle and tape it to one end of one of the rolls of newspaper you made. / Pega el triangulo a la punta de uno de los tubos te periodico que hicistes. :
Then tape one end of the other roll to it /Y le pegas el otro tubo igual:
Take the two top ends that aren’t taped and shape them into a curve / Toma las dos puntas que no estan pegadas y forma unas curvas :
Then tape them together, forming a heart / Pegal las dos puntas para formar el corazon :
Now it’s time to cover with pieces of the streamer / Ahora cubre con tiras de serpentina :
Now you have your base and can decorate and personalize it any way you want. My 3 year old Matias and I decorated our like this. / Ahora que ya tienes tu base la puedes decorar de qualquier manera que te guste. Yo la decore asi con mi chiquitin de 3 años Matias.
I hope you share your comments and your finished products with me, down below or add me on Instagram.
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Visting you from the Friday Pin Fest. I love that you recycled to make this. Great job.
Thanks Erlene, I always try to find what we can use to make something new out of. 🙂