Day 3 of change.

It’s Day 3 already !!!

As with anything we do, Change is hard and most of us are creatures of habit. We buy the same foods from the same grocery store, prepare the same recipes over and over, and live within our own familiar routines. The problem is that we get so comfortable in our ways that it’s hard to give up those old habits. Then again, it was easy it wouldn’t be a challenge.

What does it mean to change?  To me it means to strive to adopt new habits, and constantly be in search of ways to improve yourself.

To others it can mean they are never happy with themselves. They may feel like they are never going to be enough, smart enough, spiritual enough, healthy enough, pretty enough, helpful enough….enough.

This week, my first week in this amazing challenge. I’ve made myself stop and look at whatever I feel my obstacles and struggles are and see if I can look at it from another angle – through another lens to gain some perspective.  It has been helpful to check in on what is going on in a third world country to realize I am extremely lucky to be sitting in front of an electronic device right now, sipping coffee and thinking about lunch plans.

I’m very happy to share with you, that it has been going well.  It has been hard, but I keep reminding myself how good this is for everyone involved.

Wishing you a great day.


  1. tharpc2013

    Great Post

    1. Silvie

      Thanks 🙂 and thanks for taking the time to follow me.

      1. tharpc2013

        You’r Welcome 🙂


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