Stop Losing Sippy Cups & Bottles With BooginHead

Stop Losing Sippy Cups & Bottles With BooginHead @BooginHead @SMGurusNetwork #Holiday18 #MySillyLittleGang

Stop Losing Sippy Cups & Bottles With BooginHead Has it ever happened…you’re walking down the street pushing your baby in the stroller and next thing you know the sippy cup is nowhere to be found. This happened to me constantly, and when it wasn’t the sippy cup it was the bottle or pacifier that would […]

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Adorable Spring Gift Ideas for Baby #GCWBaby @gerbercw @buybuyBABY

Adorable Spring Gift Ideas for Baby I have lots of friends who either just had their babies, or are having showers. There must be something in the spring that brings babies. 🙂 It was during my hunt for spring gift ideas that I was introduced to this new collection. I have always liked and trusted […]

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Preserve Baby’s Milestones With Welcome Little One @NatGeoChannel

Preserve Baby’s Milestones With Welcome Little One ~ A Keepsake Baby Book I have baby books for all three of my boys and they love looking back at all their milestones. With all the social media available today a lot of moms tend to just keep pictures on their. However I feel there is something […]

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