The Family Meeting Planner ~ Book Feature #MySillyLittleGang

The Family Meeting Planner ~ Book Feature

Over the last 20 years, Alex Mont-Ros has raised eight children and knows the challenges of leading a family with intention. He used his experiences to create his interactive new book, The Family Meeting Planner, to help other families hold consistent and purpose-driven family meetings, conduct meaningful conversations, and become accountable to one another.

The Family Meeting Planner ~ Book Feature #MySillyLittleGang

The Family Meeting Planner ~ Book Feature

As a father who has raised eight children (both biological and stepchildren) over the course of more than 20 years, Alex Mont-Ros has learned a thing or two about the importance of effective communication, structure, and accountability among family members.

Mont-Ros held family meetings for years to keep his family engaged and foster open communication while addressing schedules, values, and other needs, but he admits that staying organized and consistent with the meetings proved challenging.

“It wasn’t until we decided to be intentional and formalize our agendas, build guidelines to how we would conduct our time together, and treated our family meetings with the respect they deserved that things changed for the better,” Mont-Ros said.

The Family Meeting Planner ~ Book Feature #MySillyLittleGang

Using his experience he created, The Family Meeting Planner, which contains seven key sections that share his secrets for holding intentional, impactful family meetings, including:

– A simple but effective way to create Family Core Values

– How to outline yearly goals and family mission

– How to build better communicators and have engaging conversations

– 52 weeks’ worth of family meeting worksheet agendas

– And much more

The Family Meeting Planner is designed to help families improve communication and planning while teaching children what it looks like to lead and be dedicated to the people who are most important to them.

“The results were our family grew closer, our conversations became more genuine, and as parents, we were able to lead more effectively while helping our children become better communicators and accountable individuals — all while having fun doing it,” Mont-Ros said.

The Family Meeting Planner is a unique tool created for parents by parents who take leading their families seriously. “There’s no planner on the market dedicated and focused specifically on doing an effective family meeting consistently like The Family Meeting Planner,” Mont-Ros added.

To purchase visit The Family Meeting Planner website.

Copy-Headshot Alex

About the Author

Alex Mont-Ros is a serial entrepreneur and proud family man who is passionate about helping others thrive. He is married to his best friend, Lisa Mont-Ros, and together they are raising a blended family. He helps fathers and men become better leaders in the home first so they can then become more effective leaders in business. His main goal is to make sure fathers can thrive and find success in their marriages, families, and careers by prioritizing what matters most.

Mont-Ros has a bachelor’s degree in Business Management. He enjoys doing jiu-jitsu and serving others through philanthropy and short-term mission trips abroad.

Find more Book Review/Feature posts on my blog here.

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