Expert Tips on Fall Closet Organization ~ Guest Post

Expert Tips on Fall Closet Organization ~ Guest Post #MySillyLittleGang

I reorganize my closet and dresser every season. I do it every season because I don’t have much space in them. So I am always looking for new tips and tricks on closet organization. I hope that you find this post with expert tips useful.

Expert Tips on Fall Closet Organization ~ Guest Post #MySillyLittleGang

Expert Tips on Fall Closet Organization

When it comes to getting your home organized, spring is the season that gets all of the hype. Fall, however, is the perfect time to declutter and organize your house so you can enjoy it more when you are homebound during the cold winter months.

Christina Giaquinto, home organization expert with Modular Closets has put together some practical and easy-to-follow tips for helping you organize your closets. 

Expert Tips on Fall Closet Organization ~ Guest Post #MySillyLittleGang

Photo provided by HCPR Group.

The Trick to Getting an Organized Closet? Plan Ahead

By Christina Giaquinto with Modular Closets

The whole process of organizing your closet can be a bit overwhelming. That’s why I suggest that you create a plan for the project before you move a single piece of clothing. Having every single detail of the transformation nailed down isn’t all that important, but, if you have a clear path to your desired result, it can make the process seem less daunting.

Make a checklist so that with every step crossed-off, you can feel more confident knowing that your closet dreams are just that much closer.

Your checklist may be a bit different, but mine might look like this:

1. Empty absolutely everything out of your closet.
2. Categorize all of the piles.
3. Declutter your piles.
4. Design your closet according to what you have left.
5. Put everything back and see it transformed!

To get a better idea of the process, let’s take a closer look at those steps!

Closet #MySillyLittleGang

Photo provided by HCPR Group.

Emptying Out Your Closet

When I say take everything out, I mean everything. Make it look like it did before you moved in. There is something exciting and refreshing about a blank slate so take advantage of this and make sure it’s clean and fresh! This is a big step so celebrate your accomplishment! (whether that’s a trip to Starbucks or a pat on the back is up to you!)

Categorizing Everything into Piles

Taking the time to organize the clothes and items as you take them out of the closet will save you time and hassle. This step is essential for when you are designing your closet. Make sure that every pile is categorized and labeled with either post-its or scrap paper. I suggest using sharpies or bold markers so that every pile is clearly labeled.


Once everything is labeled, go through each section and decide what you want to keep, what you can donate, and what you need to get rid of. This can be the most difficult step so I have provided some bonus tips for that too!

Expert Tips on Fall Closet Organization ~ Guest Post #MySillyLittleGang

Photo provided by HCPR Group.

Bonus Mindset tips

●      Show yourself grace. Some may say it’s just clothing, but your clothes represent your style, personality, and you also may have memories attached to certain pieces. So, it is ok if you find it difficult to let go.

●      Show yourself compassion if you are having a difficult time. If this is particularly hard for you, ask a friend or family member to be there with you. It’s helpful if the person helping doesn’t have an emotional attachment to the space you are cleaning out.

●      Be frugal-minded. It’s common to keep endless clothes while working towards a healthier lifestyle. Keep one pair of jeans as motivation so you can celebrate when they fit (because they will! If you can organize your closet, you can do anything). Holding on to a large wardrobe of clothes that don’t fit, just adds clutter and stress. Part of working towards a healthy lifestyle is reducing stress, and a cluttered closet definitely contributes to that. 

●      Change your perspective. You are not wasting money or throwing away clothes. You can help others by donating your clothes so others can wear them. Think about how much better it feels to know someone else will feel happiness wearing the item rather than it sitting in your closet for another year.

Design Your Closet

When you have decluttered, you will be able to see what you have left and be able to design our closet from there. Keep in mind the categories that you have made. For example, if you have mostly blouses and pants, then a double hang would be a perfect fit for you. But, if most of your wardrobe consists of dresses, a long hang may be a better option. No two closets are the same because no two people are the same. Your closet should be functionally designed for your life.

Expert Tips on Fall Closet Organization ~ Guest Post #MySillyLittleGang

Photo provided by HCPR Group.

Put Everything Back

You finally made it to the fun part! You should be so proud of yourself for getting to this point and not giving up. It is time to look at your newly designed closet and put all your clothes and items back in their new home.

Keep all your categories together. All those piles that you made should now go back into the closet and stay together.

Color coordinate. By keeping your clothes color-coordinated it not only looks beautiful, but it helps you easily find your clothes and helps when putting away the laundry. It’s another tool that keeps your closet organized and your life less stressful.

Use drawer dividers to separate like items. For example, if you have a drawer with workout clothes and it’s divided into two, you can put workout pants on one side and t-shirts on the other side. This keeps everything workout-related in one drawer, but the drawer divider allows it to be subcategorized.

Label bins and drawers. Labeling allows you to see exactly what the drawer or bin has. Label the inside lip of the drawer to see it right away, or the back of the drawer if it pulls out all the way. You should also label your bins. If you have your seasonal clothes in a bin, or travel bags, etc, those should be labeled so you know exactly where they are.

Christina Giaquinto ~ Guest Post #MySillyLittleGang

Christina Giaquinto – Photo provided by HCPR Group.

About Christina Giaquinto

Christina Giaquinto is a Professional Organizer and Brand Ambassador for Modular Closets. Having run her own organizing business for several years, Christina focuses on giving her clients the tools, methods, and techniques for maintaining their spaces. Her work has been featured on sites like Popsugar, Women’s Health, and Yahoo! 

Modular Closets are high-quality and easy-to-design closet systems made in the USA you can order, assemble, and install yourself, in no time at all. Using closet modules (closet pieces you can mix & match to design your own modular closet), homeowners everywhere are empowered to achieve a true custom closet look- for nearly 40% less than standard custom closets.

Are you looking to gain more exposure for your Brand OR Products this year? My Silly Little Gang has many perfect opportunities for you! For more information click here, or contact me at The 2020 Gift Guides are the perfect place to get noticed.

1 Comment

  1. megan allen

    Thank you for the tips! I definitely appreciate it because I’m not the most organized person!


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