Journey of the Self: Memoir of an Artist ~ Book Review #MySillyLittleGang

Journey of the Self: Memoir of an Artist ~ Book Review #MySillyLittleGang

Mental illness is something that I deal with on a daily basis. So of course I enjoy reading books related to the topic. Journey of the Self: Memoir of an Artist is the latest book I finished. Keep reading to find out more about this book.

Journey of the Self: Memoir of an Artist ~ Book Review #MySillyLittleGang

Journey of the Self: Memoir of an Artist ~ Book Review

During our home confinement during the pandemic, many of us have had an opportunity to self-reflect and get to know ourselves. But it can also be a time of stress. Many of us know someone who is dealing with anxiety and mental issues on a daily basis. Journey of the Self: Memoir of an Artist is Ruth Poniarski’s courageously honest, debut book that shares her own journey from mental illness to emerging an accomplished artist.

This is such an honest and well-written book. I truly enjoyed reading it and couldn’t put it down. If you are interested in books about the mental health topic or just enjoy reading memoirs this is a book you should read.

Journey of the Self: Memoir of an Artist ~ Book Review #MySillyLittleGang

Artist Releases Coming-of-age Memoir Detailing Her Journey With Mental Illness And Disability

It started as a college prank; a friend offered Ruth Poniarski a brownie that, unbeknownst to her, was laced with angel dust. What resulted was a debilitating accident, and the first of many mental breakdowns that spiraled into diagnoses of psychosis, schizophrenia, severe anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

Long Island native Ruth Poniarski has released her first book, Journey of the Self: Memoir of an Artist, published by Charlotte, North Carolina-based Warren Publishing. Poniarski’s unflinchingly honest memoir shares her coming-of-age story through the lenses of mental illness, disability, and steadfast determination.

For years, Poniarski struggled to cope with her new reality as she undertook a rigorous architectural program, sought out new friends (and the perfect mate), and battled through the depths of mental illness. Her journey led her in all directions as she sought comfort, solace, stability, and love.

Now an accomplished artist, Poniarski considers her memoir to be a portrait of sorts. “This book, like many of my paintings, is about introspection,” she says. “So many of us, particularly when we’re young, seek definition through labels or through what others think of us. It’s so easy to say, ‘I have bipolar disorder, therefore, X’ or ‘So and so doesn’t love me the way I love him, therefore, Y.’ But none of that is who we truly are.”

The release of Poniarski’s memoir is particularly timely in light of the Coronavirus pandemic and social distancing orders. “A lot of people are stuck at home right now. This kind of isolation forces a person to examine themselves; what makes them unique beyond who they are to society,” says Poniarski. “That kind of self-reflection allows us to become more available to others. You have to know yourself first.”

“So, who am I?” Poniarski laughs. “Well … you’ll just have to read the book!”

You can find Journey of the Self on Amazon and your favorite bookseller.

Find more book reviews on my blog here.

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