Of all the bouquets that Teleflora have to offer their Valentine’s Day bouquets are my favorite. This year I received Teleflora’s Sweetest Satin Bouquet. Here is what I thought about it.
Teleflora’s Sweetest Satin Bouquet

I love flowers, and I am blessed to have lots of chances at having them around. Keep reading and you’ll see why. For starters… I love that my hubby likes to surprise me with flowers all year long. He really knows how to make it a surprise too. He uses Teleflora because he knows how much I like their arrangements. Sometimes he’ll get them to deliver, other times he picks up an arrangement at our local flower shop and brings it home.
I also love that for special holidays I get the chance to work with Teleflora! You can check out my previous posts to see which of their bouquets I’ve received here. I really like Teleflora because they have a lot to choose from and you can order online 24 hours a day!
In today’s post I am happy to share with you my thoughts on Teleflora’s Sweetest Satin Bouquet. Are you ready to make this Valentine’s Day one to remember? Sweep them off their feet with this luxurious bouquet of red roses and fragrant white lilies, presented to perfection in a gorgeous ceramic vase with silky satin finish.
•Red roses, white asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, and white sinuata statice are arranged with sword fern and lemon leaf.
•Delivered in Teleflora’s Sweetest Satin Vase.
•Orientation: One-Sided
•Available in three sizes
This is such a beautiful arrangement, I fell in love with it the minute I saw it! The pictures really don’t do it justice. It is even more beautiful than the pictures show. The flowers are so vibrant and they are matched to perfection. That is one of the many reasons I love Teleflora. They have a great way of matching flowers that go perfectly together.
Another thing I absolutely loved about the Sweetest Satin Bouquet is the vase it comes in. This vase is just as beautiful as the arrangement! Plus I love that I can reuse this vase for years to come.
Sweep them off their feet this Valentine’s Day with spectacular bouquets from Teleflora, the world’s leading floral gifting service. Teleflora revealed its new Valentine’s Day bouquet lineup featuring a curated selection of arrangements always made by hand and hand-delivered to your door by a local florist. From lush, dreamy arrangements that will take their breath away to bright blooms that will make anyone feel loved, the new collection offers a special, unforgettable gifting experience the moment Teleflora’s flower delivery arrives.
Teleflora’s New Valentine’s Day Bouquet Lineup Includes:
Teleflora’s Sterling Love Bouquet
Add a thoughtful, modern touch of luxury for your soul mate with this stunning floral bouquet overflowing with fresh red roses, pink Asiatic lilies and red Alstroemeria nestled in a chic blown glass vase that she will treasure for years to come.
Teleflora’s Country Sweetheart Bouquet
Surprise your sweetheart with this vintage chic French farmhouse-inspired floral arrangement. Bursting with red roses, white daisies and red carnations nestled between dusty miller and huckleberry, this two-in-one gift arrives in a cute crock that will deliver long-lasting enjoyment.
Teleflora’s Happy Harmony Bouquet
Celebrate love and friendship with this sweet floral arrangement. With a playful pattern of red and silver scattered hearts on a gorgeous glass cube, this gift is sure to brighten anyone’s day.
And of course…
Teleflora’s Sweetest Satin Bouquet
Make your Valentine fall head over heels with this elegant arrangement brimming with classic red roses, white Asiatic lilies, red Alstroemeria and green accents. This beautiful, eye-catching bouquet arrives in a ceramic vase with a soft, satiny gloss and quilted pattern that evokes a passionate feel.
Love Out Loud
This Valentine’s Day and make your loved ones feel special with a Teleflora bouquet. To place your order for a beautiful floral arrangement made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist, please visit www.teleflora.com.

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About Teleflora
Say everything and share your “Love Out Loud™” with the gift of Teleflora® flowers —all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. By tapping nearly 10,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touches, artistry and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist — even if that neighborhood is across the country. No prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep — Teleflora’s network of professional florists create artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. Teleflora makes every day an occasion with a two-in-one gift that includes a multipurpose keepsake container for long-lasting enjoyment. Follow Teleflora on Facebook and tag your own #LOVEOUTLOUD moment.
These are all so pretty. I’ve bought flowers from Teleflora and always been really happy with them.