RistRoller Review

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ristroller review

RistRoller ~ The Mini Foam Roller


When it comes to working out believe it or not your wrists take a toll. This happens not just when working out , but also in our day to day lives. A large majority of us work on the computer for long periods of times, this also takes a toll on our wrists. That is where the RistRoller comes in. This mini foam roller does wonders for not just my wrists but for my forearm, hand and even my feet and thighs. RistRoller small foam rollers come in varying sizes and densities, and are perfect for fitness enthusiasts. 


I have been testing out the RistRoller for a little while now and absolutely LOVE it! This has been perfect for rolling out my wrists, after spending time at the computer typing away! Not to mention that it has also done wonders for my carpal tunnel. 

When I received the RistRoller, I immediately put it on my desk and gave it a shot. I like that it is small enough to carry around as needed, or to keep it in the top desk drawer like me. I easily just push my keyboard out of the way and use a little bit of desk space for a quick massage.

I love this foam roller because I can control the pressure of the massage based on how much I push down on it while rolling my hand, wrist, and forearm over it. I’ve also used it on my feet to help after a long walk (or day). I’ve even rolled it over my thighs after working out to help relieve my thigh muscles. The rolling massage feels really nice and helps me improve circulation.

I absolutely recommend the RistRoller! Check them out on their website and connect with them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


2 thoughts on “RistRoller Review

  1. My husband needs one of these. He has trouble with his forearms, maybe this could relieve some of his discomfort.

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