Colds And Sniffles Are No Match For The Sneeve


If your child has a cold, you need the Sneeve.


Living in New England we have crazy weather! I mean seriously crazy, a couple of weeks ago we had 60°F and -2°F weather in the same week. So it’s no surprise when my guys get colds. The two oldest ones are used to blowing their noses with tissues. My youngest one however has the sneeze into your elbow down pat. So much so that he also wipes his nose onto his sleeve. That’s why I wanted to try out the Sneeve.


The Sneeve is a little anti-microbial sleeve for kids that’s meant to stop the spread of  colds and flu that’s just been introduced.  It’s a soft, stretchy and absorbent disposable sleeve meant to go on the crook of the arms of kids 3-8 years old. It catches the goo and gook from a cold, and destroys 99.9% of the cold’s bacteria, virus and germs on contact.


This has been such a life saver for us! It fit comfortably on his arm even with a long sleeve shirt or a sweater. He will wear it for hours at a time without even thinking about it. If I forget to put it on him in the morning, he’ll ask me for it. We will definitely be getting more of these. The Sneeve is currently available at select drug stores, and is made right here in the USA. It’s also available on Amazon.

Achoo! Now, When Kids Cough and Sneeze Into Their Arms It’s Not So Gross

New anti‐microbial Sneeve catches the yucky stuff.

PORT WASHINGTON NY, JAN 18 2016 — We’ve all seen it: A runny nose swiped across a just-washed sleeve. A gloppy sneeze into the arm of a brand new sweater. Now there’s The Sneeve™, a soft, stretchy, absorbent little sleeve that kids wear over their arms, shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts or pajamas to catch the yucky stuff and help stop it from spreading.

The Centers for Disease Control recommends coughing and sneezing into the upper sleeve to help stop germs from spreading. Given that kids in the U.S. average about 10 colds a year, that’s a lot of coughing and sneezing into a whole lot of sleeves.

Each disposable Sneeve will last most kids for a full day, absorbing phlegm and mucus (even the words are gross) and protecting clothing from becoming a germy landing pad. An anti‐microbial application kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on contact.

The bright blue Sneeve fits comfortably on most kids 3 to 8 and reminds them to cough and sneeze into their arms. It resembles the compression sleeves that athletes use, and shows kids how they can have power over germs. The anti‐microbial application, used in hospitals, is made from citric acid and silver. It’s safe for kids but merciless on viruses and bacteria.

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