Today I turned 35…

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I must admit, I’ve thought about this post all day.  Not too sure how I wanted to start.  I knew that it being a milestone birthday I wanted to compile a list of 35 things I’ve learned in life. But how to start this post has really had me stumped.  I feel like I should say something like “OMG, I’m how old”, yet I’m actually fine with being 35. If anything I’m quite happy with myself and my 35 years.  I’ve learned so much in life that writing a list of things that I’ve learned is easy.  The hard part is narrowing down that list to only 35 things…
Okay here goes:

1- You do love your children more than life itself.

2- No matter how many times you say you won’t turn into your parents. Sometimes you definitely sound like them.

3- True love isn’t always your first love.
4- Time does not heal all wounds,  time may make it bearable. While sadness never disappears, it dissipates with time.

5- Not a single day goes by that I don’t dearly miss my loving grandmother.

6- There will always be that one love that you will never forget.  Surprisingly it’s not usually the one you think it would be.

7- It’s true that you never forget how to ride a bike.

8- Everybody is entitled to their opinion. I don’t have to agree with it, nor pretend to. But their opinion belongs to them and it’s not my place to judge.

9- My friends are as dear to me as family.

10- I don’t regret the things I’ve done in life, I do however regret the things I haven’t done.

11- Even if you give 100% in a relationship or friendship, it doesn’t mean you’re going to get 100% back.

12- If you do get 100% back, cherish that person.

13-If you ask for my opinion, I’m going to be honest. If you don’t really want to know, don’t ask.

14- If I want to sing along with the radio in the car, I will.  Maybe even dance a little.

15- Good friends are one of life’s necessities, they are right up there with chocolate.

16- It’s true when someone says “Learn to forgive and you will free yourself from the chains of the past”. Because forgiveness is really for you, not the other person.

17- Friends sometimes change. Learn to celebrate the good times and let go.

18- Letting go of people who don’t make time in their life for you,  makes space for new people who will to enter your life.

19- Don’t get me wrong,  as we grow older, our lives get busier. People sometimes can’t make time for you even if they want to.

20- If you’ve been with me for the long run, I will always make time for you.

21- Cherish the friendships that last through whatever life throws your way.

22- Always GO FOR IT. There are no mistakes, the only mistake is doing nothing.

23- Real happiness only exists in the present. If you are anxious or fearful, you are in the future. If you are resentful or sad, you are stuck in the past. Live in the moment!

24- Enjoy every single moment with your kids, they grow up way too fast.

25- Your life doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s. That’s why it’s called your life.

26- You can learn a lot from your kids. Think about it;  they know to eat when they’re hungry, and stop when they’re full. They’re honest, they don’t judge each other and will become friends with just about anyone.

27- Sometimes you just need a big bowl of ice cream. Or in some cases a pint.

28- Bad things happen to really great people. I don’t know why; they just do.

29- Everything really does happen for a reason, and there’s a lesson hidden somewhere in the pain and struggle. If you learn the lesson, appreciate that you made it through.

30- An apple a day does not keep the doctor away. You still get sick. And you need a lot more than just an apple.

31- Having a niece is the best gift my sister has given me.

32-Shower your kids with hugs and kisses, and tell them how much you love them. One day they’ll grow up and be able to tell you how much they appreciate you.

33- Get lost in a book. It doesn’t matter what book. As long as you enjoy it, that’s all that matters. Find something you can’t put down and need to stay up late reading.

34- Dogs understand love better than people do.

35- “Thank You” – the most powerful two words in the English dictionary.

This is only the beginning… I have so much to look forward to!


  1. RealCouponDiva (@RealCouponDiva)

    35? You’re a baby – wait til you get to 54 (my age….. :D)

    1. Silvie

      Thank you, You’re a baby too. My grandmother always said to me. You’re only as old as you let yourself get. 😉


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