Are you interested in working from home?
Are you looking for a good website to help you on your search for a work from home job?
I’ve been a work from home mom
for the past few years and have used several websites to find part-time and full-time work from home jobs. The question my friends and family with regular day jobs ask most often is “How do you know the website is not a scam”? With so many”work from home” sites out there in cyberspace. It’s not easy to find one that’s not only “real”, but one that’s actually helpful and informative.
It was through LinkedIn that I met Angel Andrews. Creator of Work at Home Pursuit. Angel is a work at home mom and wife that started Work at Home Pursuit as a way to help others reach their goal of working from home.
After visiting her website I saw that
This website is just what you need if you are looking for a work from home opportunity it’s just full of great information, jobs and valuable resources. It’s just full of fantastic ideas, help and advice. I recommend that you visit and bookmark Work at Home Pursuit for future reference. Genuine business opportunities hard to come by these days but here you will find the real thing.
Thank you Angel for creating such a wonderful resource.