Blueapple the Produce Saver

Blue Apple Logo Final

Are you tired of throwing out your hard earned money in wilted produce?  What if I told you that you could waste less food? I was skeptical too at first. Did you know that the American households throw out 25% of produced purchased, because it has gone bad? Tossing out an average of $600 of food per year per family! Food waste is unfortunate not only in terms of the lost opportunity to feed hungry people, but also in terms of the negative effects on our environment and our wallets. Did you know that the nation spends an estimated $1 billion a year to dispose of excess food.

My family loves fruit and we eat tons of it. Produce is a big chunk of my weekly grocery budget. Even though we eat a lot of it, there’s always something (mostly veggies) that goes bad before it’s eaten. Especially in the summer months when I get close to 20 pounds of tomatoes off my tomato plant.

When I was given the chance to review the Blueapple, I was super excited, because I knew this was something that would be beneficial to my family. I couldn’t wait to receive my package! When it came, I had received the standard package of two blue apples.


Believe it or not it’s super easy! All I had to do was open the package and place the little apple in my fruit bowl. You don’t have to assemble anything because the ethyl gas absorption packet is already in the apple!


What is ethyl gas you ask… Let me explain. The ripening of fruit and vegetables is a chemical process that is caused by ethylene gas, a natural plant hormone. It initiates and accelerates the ripening of fruit and vegetables, and then causes them to deteriorate. By lowering the level of ethylene gas surrounding fruits and vegetables, their shelf life can be greatly increased, slowing the maturation of fruit, protecting vegetables, and greatly reducing spoilage.  This is where the amazing little Blueapple comes in! BluAppleThree The packet inside the little Blueapple absorbs the ethyl gas that the fruit and vegetables release causing the fruit to last longer!!!

I couldn’t wait to put it to the test! I placed one Blueapple in the fruit bowl on my counter, and another bowl of tomatoes on my dining table.  After only 10 days here are the results I’ve seen.

The fruit bowl with the Blueapple is still as fresh looking as the first day!


While the tomatoes in the bowl on the table are moldy, rotting and ready to be thrown out.


I am hooked! My house will no longer be without the amazing Blueapple!!  You can purchase Blueapple online on the Blueapple website for only $9.95 plus shipping. You will soon see that Blueapple will more than pay for itself with the produce it saves. You can also find them in grocery stores nationwide and at Bed Bath & Beyond.

To read more about their wonderful product visit the Blueapple website and don’t forget to go and “Like” their Facebook Page!!
