I am DONE! I have had it with shaving my legs.  Maybe it’s because I’m Hispanic, but i have to do this hideous thing every day in the summer months. Unless you want me to cause lacerations should i happen to bump you with my legs.  And an extremely healthy sex life has me moaning and groaning in the winter too. I desperately need to find the person who said shaving was a necessity and force him (because you know it just HAS to be a man) to shave every single hair from his body every single day. 

I have had it with all the spam emails from the curvy and single Russian women who are dying to meet me.  I’m flattered really.  It’s wonderful. But I’m not only married… but I’m also Straight.

I’ve also had it with the emails that inform me that it is the Final notification I’ll receive for that life changing chance, only to see it 6 more times.  I wish those people understood what the definition of FINAL means.

I’ve had it with asking the boys NOT to fight.  I mean really…i know they can get along.  They have done it before, so therefore have no excuse.

And then it all just comes together, and it makes everything worthwhile.  When those little arms come around my neck and I hear “Mommy I love you”.

I LOVE being a Mommy!