My love of Teleflora arrangements may not be a surprise for those who have followed my blog for a while. I especially look forward to sharing their Mother’s Day arrangements with you. This is why I am happy to be helping spread the word about the 2022 Teleflora Mother’s Day campaign. This year Teleflora Shares “Role of a Lifetime.” Keep reading to find out more about this great campaign.
The 2022 Teleflora Mother’s Day Campaign
I am excited to be sharing with you information on the 2022 Teleflora Mother’s Day campaign, “Role of a Lifetime,” celebrating moms everywhere.
Sometimes the best, most important role you could have is one you’ve been starring in for years. That’s what Teleflora®, the world’s leading floral delivery service, is showcasing in its latest ode to Mom just in time for Mother’s Day, “Role of a Lifetime.” Directed by two-time Academy Award-winning American film director Barbara Kopple, three working-actress moms receive an emotional surprise when they audition for a Teleflora commercial, which is actually a filmed social experiment.
In the commercial, Teleflora hosts a casting call for the role of Lilly, a mom struggling to make ends meet. Those who made it to the callbacks were asked to read a letter, which is met with teary eyes as they soon realize it’s not a script, but an authentic letter written to them from their child. The spot captures the moment when the actresses realize that they are not auditioning for the part but have been living this role of a lifetime—no casting calls, callbacks, or approvals required.
“These mothers and actresses were so loving and real it moved all of us to tears. I was overjoyed to work with the Teleflora team to bring these stories to life and, after we met our moms in casting, hearing their amazing stories, we knew we were onto something really powerful,” said Barbara Kopple, two-time Academy Award-winning American film director. “Hopefully we inspire people to let their moms know how much they mean to them this Mother’s Day, and other times would be nice, too.”
Three unique stories of motherhood are told throughout the commercial:
Kristin and her son Jeffrey’s story is one of redemption. Kristin moved to Hollywood to teach her children to follow their dreams but found that her career kept her away from her children more than she’d like. Though she’s reconnected with her kids and helped Jeffrey recover from difficult circumstances, Kristin still carries a single parent’s guilt.
Ellen and her daughter Zoe’s story is one of inspiration. When Ellen lost the use of her legs after an accident as a teenager, she never thought she’d be a mother. But after facing down her own mortality, she became one—and in the process, also became an educator, author, scuba diver, bungee jumper, model, and lifelong source of pride for her daughter.
Starla and her son Jalen’s story is one of admiration. Starla’s career frequently left her with little time for her children. Burning the candle at both ends, she worried that she didn’t give them enough of herself. But in Starla, Jalen saw the most patient and compassionate woman he’s ever known. Starla’s impact on Jalen’s life, and on the lives of their family, friends, and neighbors, is something he cherishes to this day.
Check it out below!
“Moms rarely give themselves the credit they deserve and often doubt they’re doing a good job. This Mother’s Day, Teleflora wanted to authentically capture the impact moms have on their children and remind her of how magnificent she is,” said Danielle Mason, vice president of marketing, Teleflora. “Our social experiment achieved what we wish for all moms – for their sons and daughters to genuinely recognize and celebrate the priceless role mom has played in shaping their lives.”
The ad will be featured on premium OTT content services, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram Reels, and In-Stream, and will utilize a variety of unit lengths to play to each placement’s potential. The campaign was developed by The Wonderful Company’s in-house creative team at the Wonderful Agency and led by chief creative officer Margaret Keene, under guidance from Mason and Jeff Bennett, president, of Teleflora.
“Role of a Lifetime” is an extension of Teleflora’s ongoing brand platform encouraging everyone to “Love Out Loud” this Mother’s Day by sending a stunning Teleflora floral bouquet ready to be enjoyed the moment it arrives at her door.
To place an order, and view the latest available floral designs, please visit
I am also excited to be sharing with you my favorite arrangements from their website.
Teleflora’s Rose Glam Bouquet
Bursting with perfect pink roses and snow white lilies, this sparkling cut glass vase in the most glamorous shade of amethyst is a Mother’s Day gem.
This bouquet features pink roses, pink spray roses, white Asiatic lilies, miniature white carnations, pink alstroemeria, pitta negra, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in Teleflora’s Amazing Amethyst vase.
Teleflora’s Playful Pitcher Bouquet
Gorgeous roses and a keepsake pitcher–it’s the perfect 2-in-1 Mother’s Day gift! Take her special day to new heights with this pink-tastic bouquet and glazed, food-safe ceramic pitcher with a charming dragonfly motif.
This bouquet features pink roses, hot pink spray roses, purple Matsumoto asters, pink carnations, and lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums arranged with lavender waxflower, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in Teleflora’s Whimsical Dragonfly pitcher.
Teleflora’s Dancing Beauty Bouquet
Make mom’s heart dance with this fabulous Mother’s Day gift of luxurious lilies and roses in a European glass vase with a shimmering metallic finish.
This bouquet features pink roses, hot pink spray roses, white alstroemeria, pink Asiatic lilies, miniature pink carnations, and lavender sinuata statice arranged with leatherleaf fern. Delivered in Teleflora’s Dancing Beauty vase.
Teleflora’s Shining Beauty Bouquet
Go for the glam this Mother’s Day with a gift that sparkles as brightly as she does–a breathtaking rose bouquet in a vibrant mosaic glass keepsake vase.
This bouquet includes crème spray roses, purple button spray chrysanthemums, hot pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, dusty miller, and huckleberry. Delivered in Teleflora’s Shining Beauty cylinder.
Teleflora’s Hummingbird Garden Bouquet
Mom’s heart will dance like a Hummingbird when this enchanting Mother’s Day gift arrives, featuring colorful blooms in a keepsake glass cube adorned with pretty vintage garden imagery.
This delightful arrangement features green carnations, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sweet william, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora’s Sweet Hummingbird cube.
To place an order, and view the latest available floral designs, please visit

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About Teleflora
Say everything and share your “Love Out Loud™” with the gift of Teleflora® flowers —all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. By tapping nearly 10,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touches, artistry and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist — even if that neighborhood is across the country. No prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep — Teleflora’s network of professional florists create artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. Teleflora makes every day an occasion with a two-in-one gift that includes a multipurpose keepsake container for long-lasting enjoyment. Follow Teleflora on Facebook and tag your own #LOVEOUTLOUD moment.
Flowers are and always remain the perfect gift!