Welcome to Camp Warner Bros. Week 2! This week we will be celebrating the release of Steven Universe: The Movie with DIY “Crystal Gem” Candy. Keep reading to make this delicious activity with us.
Camp Warner Bros. Week 2 – DIY “Crystal Gem” Candy & Steven Universe: The Movie Review

It’s week 2 at Camp Warner Bros.! This week, we are going to have some fun with science, color mixing, learning patience, and making a delicious treat. Are you ready to make DIY “Crystal Gem Candy? First things first I need to tell you that this camp activity requires adult supervision at all times. Please use caution when pouring hot liquid.
Here is everything you are going to need for your delicious candy!
A glass jar, a pencil, a paperclip, cotton string or kitchen twine, food coloring, granulated sugar, water, and a funnel (optional). For complete instructions click here or the picture below to download.

The Science Behind The Fun:
As time passes (and the solution cools), the water will slowly evaporate from the solution. As the water evaporates, the solution will become more saturated with sugar. The sugar molecules will collect on the string, and the candy crystals will grow molecule by molecule!
Extra Science Fun:
Try making two jars of candy. In the first jar – seed your “Crystal Gem” Candy by rolling your string in water and sugar. In the second jar do not seed your string with sugar before growing. Determine if using seed sugar crystals changes the growth rate of your “Crystal Gem” Candy!
Now that we have gotten our candy ready to start growing, let me tell you about Steven Universe: The Movie!
The epic music-filled adventure for Steven and his friends will overflow with more songs and music than ever before. In his first television movie, Steven thinks his time defending the Earth is over, but when an unforeseen threat comes to Beach City, Steven faces his biggest challenge yet.
After so many harrowing adventures, Steven and the Gems are ready to celebrate how far they’ve come with a movie musical! Little do they know they’re about to face their worst enemy yet.
This movie was far more fun than the cartoon we’ve enjoyed. This is definitely one of the boys favorite movies to date. We have already watched it 5 times this week!