Every holiday I look forward to my arrangement from Teleflora to share with you. This Christmas is no different, I received the Teleflora’s Halls of Holly Centerpiece. Let me tell you about it. Teleflora’s Halls of Holly Centerpiece I love having fresh flowers in the house. I know I have mentioned it before, but I can’t…
Tag: Bouquet
All NEW Teleflora Mother’s Day Bouquet Collection One of the many reasons I love Mother’s Day is because of all the beautiful bouquets I receive. I usually get one from my hubby and the boys, one from my mom, one from my sis, and I also get them from my friends. I love being surrounded…
This Year Gift A Teleflora Valentine’s Day Bouquet Those that know me know that I love fresh flowers. I also love that my hubby likes to randomly surprise me with flowers all year long. On Valentine’s Day however he likes to go all out. One of the ways my hubby likes to surprise me is…
Teleflora’s Winter Pines Centerpiece Review I love having fresh flowers on my table, especially for the holidays. For Christmas I always make sure to have a centerpiece made of fresh flowers. Flowers always brighten my day and fill my home with beauty and incredible scent. This year if you are thinking about having a beautiful…