Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

Teleflora’s Halls of Holly Centerpiece @SMGurusNetwork @Teleflora #LoveOutLoud #Teleflora

Every holiday I look forward to my arrangement from Teleflora to share with you. This Christmas is no different, I received the Teleflora’s Halls of Holly Centerpiece. Let me tell you about it.

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

Teleflora’s Halls of Holly Centerpiece

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

I love having fresh flowers in the house. I know I have mentioned it before, but I can’t say it enough. There’s a special feeling I get when I walk in the door and see fresh flowers in my home. I keep some year round, but it’s extra special to have them during any holiday or birthday. When it comes to major holidays like Christmas and Mother’s Day Teleflora has always come to my rescue. They have so many amazing arrangements there’s always something for everyone’s likes and budget. This year if you are thinking about having a beautiful centerpiece made with fresh flowers, I highly recommend Teleflora. So don’t just think about it, and order a handmade Teleflora bouquet that’s beautiful and festive – Just like the holidays.

This holiday season I received Teleflora’s Halls of Holly Centerpiece.

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

As soon as I saw the arrangement I immediately fell in love with it! It was delivered to my home and it looked even better than it did in the pictures. This amazing arrangement came in a festive stoneware serving dish. The centerpiece was finished off with two tapered candles that gave it an exquisite look.

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

This arrangement has so many things I love. For starters it brings white roses, red miniature carnations, and white button spray chrysanthemums. Another great thing is that it looks beautiful, no matter which side I look at. And it fills the room I keep it in with a soft holiday scent. I think that has to do with the beautiful accents of flat cedar, variegated holly, and white pine.

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

All of the Teleflora bouquets come in standard, premium, and deluxe sizes. Teleflora really does deliver the perfect floral arrangements and I highly recommend them. Here are some of my favorite Teleflora arrangements from their Christmas 2018 Floral Bouquet Collection.

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

Teleflora’s Halls Of Holly Centerpiece

Surprise your favorite holiday hostess with a stunning centerpiece brimming with white roses, red carnations, chrysanthemums and fresh winter greens accented with red berries and natural pinecones. This two-in-one gift will be treasured for years to come as it is delivered in a lovely hand-painted oven-to-table, food-safe stoneware serving dish. Get it here.

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

Teleflora’s Snowy Daydreams Bouquet

Melt everyone’s heart with this cheerful floral arrangement bursting with red roses, red carnations and holiday greens nestled among glittered ornaments and white snow-tipped pinecones. In the true spirit of giving,it arrives in a darling metal pot adorned with a very merry snowman that can be displayed on its own or used as a kitchen utensil holder.

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

Teleflora’s Cardinals In The Snow Ornament

Bring the magic of a white winter forest straight to your home with Teleflora’s enchanting ornament bouquet. With two crimson cardinals perched on snowy birch branches surrounded by white chrysanthemums, red carnations and green accents, this ceramic ornament jar is decorated with a snowy scene that your loved ones will adore for seasons to come.

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

Send A Hug® Winter Sips Bouquet by Teleflora

Make your friends and family feel warm and fuzzy this holiday with a cheerful bouquet filled witha lush array of red carnations, white chrysanthemums and festive greens. As the newest addition to Teleflora’s best-selling Send a Hug®collection, this food-safe ceramic oversizedmug with a jolly gingerbread and hand-painted details is perfect for enjoying hot beverages all season long.

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

Teleflora’s Winterberry Kisses Bouquet

Top the nice list during the holidays with this gorgeous floral arrangement. Hand painted with red berry branches and frosted with a dusting of sparkling glitter along the top, this elegant hand-blown exclusive glass cube captures the distinct beauty of a snowy winter’s day.

Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

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Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece

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