Hello here is a fabulous guest post written by Modernize. I have shared another great post from them before, I will link to that post below. Modernize is where you go to get inspired, see what’s possible, and connect with a professional who will make your dream home a reality!
The Busy Parent’s Guide to a Home Remodel by: Courtni Wisenbaker-Scheel

Remodeling a house into your dream home can be a harrowing adventure under the best of circumstances, but when you combine that with the frenzy of little ones, it’s easy to have moments where you question why you ever thought construction was a good idea to begin with. From juggling contractor’s schedules and concerns to having to find a beloved toy in a jumble of boxes and sawdust, the list of things you need to get done in a day never seem to end. With a few survival tips though, the payoff will definitely be well worth the added stress!
One Room at a Time
Regardless of whether you’re planning a couple of new windows or a full-scale addition, make sure to take it in stages, focusing on one area of the house at a time. The easiest rooms—and usually the best place to start—are going to be those that your children use the least, like the kitchen or master bathroom. Hiring a contractor that has plenty of experience with families will definitely make your life easier, too. They’ll be able to better predict what your family’s needs will be and make sure that the construction zone is as enclosed and child-safe as possible.

Keep the Kids Involved
We all know just how much children need a steady routine and open communication in their lives to help them feel secure. Take the time to explain to each of your children what changes are going to be made, how long each should take, and how the renovation process will affect their daily life. Be sure to listen to their concerns along the way, knowing that this may be a test of patience on your part, especially when you’re answering the same question for the 24th time that day. Whenever possible, let them take part in the decision making process, too. Whether it’s picking out a paint color or helping swing a hammer, letting them be engaged in the process will help them feel like they have ownership in their new space.
It’s Ok to Say No
Managing even the smallest of renovations is going to feel like you have a new part-time job on top of your already full life. Focus on maintaining your sanity by being willing to say no to some things that will just add to your stress load. That PTA presidency can easily wait until the next school year, and your kids definitely don’t need to add on any more rehearsals or practices right now either. Instead, find ways to enjoy the downtime that you have together away from the chaos of the house or the commotion of the home improvement store.
Even with all the best planning in the world, home remodels tend to run on their own course. Expect the unexpected to happen, and make sure you stop to laugh along the way. Before you know it, your whole family will be making memories in your gorgeous new home!